“I just got home and saw the beautiful flowers you dropped off. They look perfect in front of my awesome new house. If I haven’t told you I LOVE MY NEW HOME! I am thrilled about my instant equity and the additional work we got done before closing. I know I haven’t thanked you for all of your hard work yet…. but I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all of your diligence making this tricky deal happen. I can’t believe you worked on this so much during your vacation in St. John. I don’t know another Realtor that would have done what you made possible. I know for a fact it was your work ethic that got us safely to the closing table. I will recommend you to anyone I hear of looking to buy or sell. I wouldn’t trust anyone elses name with mine on a real estate contract. Please feel free to have prospects call me with any questions they may have about working with you. It was a treat. Nick Painter”
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Home ยป Nick Painter

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- Equal Housing Opportunity
- Information deemed accurate but not warranted. Information subject to changes and withdrawals without notice.
- Real estate agents affiliated with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage are independent contractor sales associates and are not employees of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage.
- This website IS NOT the official website of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage or its affiliated companies, and neither Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage nor its affiliated companies in any way warrant the accuracy of any information contained herein. Any products and/or services offered for sale on this website shall not be considered an offer to sell such goods and/or services in any state other than Georgia.